Singapore, Unfiltered

The word on the street—the tittle tattle behind the not-so-little matters.
Articles in Series

We Tracked Singapore’s Housing Debacle Over The Last Month So You Don’t Have To
Singapore's public discussions around housing are a headache to keep up with. But there has never been a time like this month where the discussion reached a peak and compelled HDB and other government agencies to reveal figures we never we thought would see the light of day. Here's a brief guide to the proceedings of November to keep in your digital pocket.
Parents Who Are Actually Considerate to Teachers? We Found Them.
Unreasonable parents who hound Singapore teachers hog the headlines all the time. But has the media painted them all with the same bad brush? Are there parents with more redeeming qualities? The teachers we spoke to say yes.
The Worst Decision I Have Ever Made
“I have failed businesses before. It actually led me to one point where I was left with only 60 cents in my bank account.” While it is normal for everyone to make mistakes, some can be extremely expensive and painful to navigate. We sit down with young business owners from the *SCAPE Hubbers
This Is The Cost Of Being Sexually Healthy in Singapore
“It’s all your fault, so you should pay for it." In Asia, the conservative culture we’ve been exposed to tends to equate sexually-transmitted illnesses with shameful promiscuity. But as younger generations start to have more open conversations about their sex lives, the importance of protec
Egg Freezing in Singapore: A Step Forward In Female Autonomy
“I think the requirement that only married couples can use frozen eggs is a little bit backward.” Women aged between 21 and 35 can now undergo elective egg freezing for non-medical reasons next year, but with a catch: in line with the idea of ‘upholding parenthood within marriage’, the up
I Don’t Want Children and Here’s Why
As Singapore marks its lowest birth rate since independence, a growing number of Singaporeans are deciding to remain child-free. This Chinese New Year, we gather four of them to talk about their choice to not procreate, and how it feels to be making this seemingly controversial decision.
What Do Singaporeans Feel About Covid-19 Becoming Endemic?
With rising COVID-19 infections in September, the sentiment on the ground is divided: some Singaporeans have been confused by the government's mixed signals, while others think we should cut them some slack. But the question remains: are we ready to embrace Covid-19 as endemic? Can Singaporeans r
Geylang’s Red Light District is Fading
When sex work gets driven out of Geylang, where will it go? With an impending rezoning and the rise of online platforms for dating and sex work, the demand for brothels on the ground have dropped to an all-time low. Amidst their disrupted livelihoods and loss of their second home, the sex workers
Who is responsible for teaching kids about racism? Parents or schools?
2021 has been riddled with incidents of racism, from the Ngee Ann Poly lecturer to the 55-year-old lady who was assaulted while brisk walking. This Racial Harmony Day, we ask: While conversations about racism are advancing in the public sphere, how are we approaching them with our kids? And who i
Families Discuss: COVID-19 Vaccination
The pandemic snatched away our career opportunities, and forced us to live a life of fear and uncertainty for over a year. But with the introduction and subsequent uptake of vaccines in Singapore, the light at the end of the tunnel is finally starting to shine brightly. In this video, two sets of
Indians Not Allowed, Thank You.
All images by Zachary Tang. “Indians not allowed, thank you.” This was what an agent said to me back in April, when I was looking for a new home here in Singapore. Trouble is, this wasn’t even an isolated incident. Before long, I had to either start looking for houses owned by Indian families,
With Another Year Of Covid In Singapore Comes Another Wave Of Racism
The arrival of the B.1.617 COVID-19 variant from India has put Singapore on heightened alert against not just the virus, but racism and xenophobia. In recent weeks, we've seen mounting cases of appalling abuse against both local and foreign-born Indians. But are these sentiments new, or just the la
What Does Filial Piety Really Mean to Millennials?
Has money become a substitute for familial love in Singapore? Do you need to give money to be considered a good daughter or son? How does this make millennials feel, and what pressures are they under? As the cost of living continues to rise, millennials seem to be divided on the value of filial
Do Frontline Lower-Wage Workers Feel Appreciated?
When circuit breaker kicked in last year, most of us were able to seek refuge at home thanks to flexible work-from-home arrangements. However, not everyone was afforded this luxury. Due to the physical nature of their jobs, they had to be outside and this increased their potential exposure to the co
Not Your Hijab: Why Singapore Still Won’t Settle the Great Tudung Debate
Image credits: Unsplash The year is 2021. And yes, we are still debating the hijab in Parliament. On International Women’s Day, Singaporeans were treated to a statement made in Parliament by Minister for Social and Family Development of Singapore (and Minister-in-charge of Muslim
A Peer Review of TODAY’s Gen Y Speaks Op-Ed ‘I Don’t Want to be Woke’
On Sunday, a TODAY op-ed titled “This is why I don’t want to be woke. Don’t cancel me for it,” has been making the rounds on the internet, including on chat groups formed on Clubhouse. The piece was authored by 24-year old NUS communications and new media student Dana Teoh as part of an as
The Case For Getting MPs to Publicly Disclose Their Financial Interests
Top image: Steven Lasry/Unsplash If Singapore had a LinkedIn page, ‘straight as an arrow’ would probably be at the top of our bio. In 2019, we were the 4th least corrupt of 180 countries on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, and 3rd out of 180 for absence of corruption
Why We Should Talk About Reclaiming The Chinese Seventh Month
Beyond its smoky rituals, what do we really know about the Chinese Seventh Month? An interfaith advocate suggests reclaiming the narrative to revitalise the festival for a cynical generation and make it relevant in the 21st century.
Under One Roof: How The Covered Walkway Conquered Singapore
In December last year, I was returning home from Yio Chu Kang swimming pool when I saw something which took my breath away: a brand new covered walkway. Not any regular ol’ covered walkway, but a covered linkway built on steel girders, spanning a storm drain of some 15m. Awed by this miracle of u
5 Things We Should Keep Doing After GE2020, No Matter What Happens Tonight
Top image: RICE File Photo. Disclaimer: RICE does not support or endorse any political party in Singapore. Assuming I’ve made my deadline, it should be just after 8:00 PM (oops, 10:00 PM) on election night. We'll have queued up, sanitised our hands, and stamped our cards, and all w
24 Hours In The Life Of A GE 2020 Candidate
Disclaimer: RICE does not endorse or support any political party in Singapore. Note: Red Dot United is running against Tharman’s team in Jurong. Their squad consists of Ravi Philemon, Michelle Lee Juen, Alec Tok, Liyana Dhamirah, and Nicholas Tang. Nicholas Tang is a friend. Nicholas Tang
A Political Culture Of Bullying Is The Real Threat To Singapore’s Unity
Top image: Still from CNA. Disclaimer: RICE does not support or endorse any political party in Singapore. It’s perfectly reasonable to say that anyone running for political office should expect to explain things they’ve said in the past. A healthy democracy, after all, entails be
Is A Bad Economy Good For The PAP? Let’s Take A Look
Top image: RICE File Photo Disclaimer: RICE does not endorse or support any political party in Singapore. Comfort food doesn’t have to be good food. When we’re under a great deal of stress, we just crave a plate of something familiar. Eating Nasi Goreng/Prata/McSpicy at 2 AM is a surefire
Yes, We Do Actually Need An Elected Opposition
Disclaimer: RICE does not endorse or support any political party in Singapore. Yesterday, in response to queries from a reporter, MP Indranee Rajah made several comments about the Non-Constituency MP (NCMP) scheme: “There is a suggestion that you have to have opposition electe