First, the Australian bushfires that are still raging on from last year. Then, rumours about World War 3. And then—regardless of your feelings about the guy—Kobe Bryant. Let’s just say 2020 has not been a benevolent year so far.
Yet, regardless of these calamities, all happening one after another, what has united them are our responses to these calamities. Memes, in particular, have been employed by people to express the way they feel about this series of unfortunate events.
When the fact that more and more people were getting infected by Covid-19 started making the news, family chat groups started blowing up with text messages from boomers around the world who had suddenly become world-class medical practitioners. Social media channels, on the other hand, saw a good mix of memes and videos mocking the paranoia, some even urging boomers to keep at it.
As someone who spends literally most of her time on social media, let me bring you on a tour of the questionable to the best responses we have seen pop up as a result of COVID-19.

Plus, it’s not like there aren’t other cultures out there that actually eat exotic animals. I’m looking at you, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Congo, France and the like. You know where I’m going with this.
A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, isn’t it?

What did not work: the articulation and lyrics.
Did I emerge from this with more knowledge? Sure. Did the lyrics rhyme though? No. The reason behind the success of the SARS rap over a decade ago was the impeccable rhyme in the first line itself: ‘SARS is the virus that I just want to minus’. Now that’s a good flow, which brings me to my next point…

For starters, how is it possible for the man to have not aged over the years? Unless he visits the salon every other month to get his roots coloured, there is no damn way the man is still sporting ebony curls. The least they could have done was to go about this in one of two ways: airbrush the hell out of his face to make him look like the PCK we saw in 2003, or throw him a grey wig because we’re all realists here and understand that people age.
PCK won’t always be the answer to Singaporean’s worries about dying from a virus or a disease. That’s okay.

But was it truly necessary to use migrant workers for laughs? No. This is a whole new low, SGAG. These guys work hard in all weather conditions on foreign land away from loved ones, while we work from home because of the virus. It’s not right to make these guys the laughing stock over a mistake of how they read the temperature of their team members.
What would have been better was if you guys had pointed out how unhygienic it would be to use this thermometer on a team of workers and offered to get them an infrared forehead one. Now that would have gotten our respect.

I repeat, we are responsible citizens.

Lesson here: there honestly is nothing you cannot do when you put your mind to it.

Yes, you are still reading an article by Rice Media. We’re human, and we do indulge in wholesome content from time to time. Deal with it.
No prizes for guessing my favourite Soaperhero—it’s Virus Scanner Varun.

Could this be a result of those dumb texts in the Whatsapp circuit about how rasam (a South Indian dish) is the best natural antidote against COVID-19? But how does that explain the aisles of dhal and masala being emptied? Do they even know how to use these ingredients? What are brown mothers to do now that most of the items on their weekly grocery lists are gone thanks to a bunch of kiasu uncles and aunties?
Don’t blame me for chuckling at this meme.

Bless their responsible souls.
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